Buteyko Breathing Method

“Named after Dr Konstantin Buteyko, the Buteyko Method consists of a series of breathing exercises and guidelines specifically designed to reduce over-breathing (clinically known as ‘chronic hyperventilation’). The simple fact is that many people breathe too much, which alters the natural levels of gases in the blood, reduces oxygen delivery to tissues and organs, and causes constriction of the smooth muscles surrounding blood vessels and airways. This can lead to numerous health problems. Bringing breathing volume towards normal and making the switch from mouth to nose breathing helps to alleviate such health problems.”

-Buteyko Clinic International

If you scored a 20 or higher you should seriously consider breathing reeducation. Email me to inquire.

If you scored a 20 or higher you should seriously consider breathing reeducation. Email me to inquire.

Your Breathing Reeducation Program

My 60 day program is designed to help you train to breath less with controlled hypoventilation exercises to increase your oxygen saturation and cellular respiration. Retraining the brain’s respiratory center to reduce breathing is done through creating new neural pathways (neuroplasticity) in my developmental approach. The brain needs 60-70 days for the new learned pattern of breathing to become automatic and 90 days for mouth breathing habit extinction in the brain’s respiratory center. Breathing rehabilitation should be completed prior to beginning myofunctional therapy as dysfunctiona breathing often presents with orofacial myofunctional disorders and other red flags. Starting from 3 years old with the ability to count or say their ABCs, children will need parental support and presence during all appointments. Please inquire if your child is younger. Consultations are $350. I can provide you with a Superbill for your insurer for $150.


Effects of mouth breathing

Dr. German Ramirez, a world expert in orthodontics and pediatrics, put together an amazing video explaining how patients develop crooked teeth and how this can be prevented and treated. Often times breathing is not properly evaluated in the medical field and this video illustrates the importance of nasal breathing.

Dysfunctional breathing, day or night, includes chronic mouth breathing and chronic hyperventilation syndrome. It is a breathing pattern disorder and should be remediated immediately, and the earlier the better. The comorbidities of dysfunctional breathing can have serious effects on all systems of the body including one’s psyche, dental and gingival health, cognitive abilities, sleep, craniofacial and orofacial development, social emotional development, speech, swallowing, chewing and can often lead to damaging morphological changes to the face, neck and body and can result in “failure to thrive” in children.

Note: Permanent nasal breathing must be established before beginning myofunctional therapy for optimal lifelong results.

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Here’s an excellent video on Breathing Reeducation

Decongest your nose, increase your body temperature and activate your bodies relaxation response in three to four minutes by simply altering your breath. Aut...

Patrick McKeown is a world renowned expert in the Buteyko Breathing Method and author of 8 best selling books including (his latest) The Oxygen Advantage, Close Your Mouth, Asthma Free Naturally, Anxiety Free: Stop Worrying and Quieten Your Mind, Sleep with Buteyko. An Irishman, Patrick is based in Galway, and travels and lectures extensively around the world. He is Director of Education at the world's foremost Buteyko Breathing Method Clinic, The Buteyko Clinic International, and has trained hundreds of Buteyko practitioners since 2003.


“How you breath as a child affects the way you look for the rest of your life”

— Patrick McKeown